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When: Saturday, January 28, 2023, at Noon.
Where: Online

The ECMC (Episcopal Cursillo Ministry Committee) invites you to join us for our 2nd National Virtual Event on Saturday, January 28 at noon Central! This year’s theme is “Jesus Is Just Alright With Me.” We will begin the program with a thoughtful and motivating talk and follow by breaking out into groups where we will share with each other our relationships with Jesus today.

Included will be the lively, professional music performed by the contemporary Christian band “Live Hymnal.” Our program will conclude with a prayerful summary of our group discussions. This will be a grand opportunity to be spiritually fed and to be a part of a loving Christian community. Come join us on January 28th to celebrate JESUS! We look forward to seeing you all there!

Registration required. Use the link below to sign up.

De Colores!

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