2024 Annual Convention
Welcome to the 2024 Annual Convention Information page for The Diocese of West Missouri. All the information you need for this year’s Convention is below.
Schedule and Agenda
Friday, November 8, 2024
- 11 a.m. – Check in and Ministry Fair begins; Daughters of the King Prayer Chapel opens
- 1 p.m. – Business session (no lunch, midday break with provided snacks)
- Conclude with commissioning service
- 7 – 8 p.m. – Reception
Saturday, November 9, 2024
- 8 a.m. – Check in, Daughters of the King Prayer Chapel and Ministry Fair reopen
- 9 a.m. – Eucharist
- 10:30 a.m. (approximately) – Bishop election begins
- Noon – Lunch and Noonday prayer
- Conclude with prayers for the newly elected bishop with a 5-10 minute live video introduction
Business Session Agenda
Friday, November 8
- Procedural Instructions
- Report of the Credentials Committee
- Certification of Quorum
- Appointment of Parliamentarian/Comments
- Report of the Committee on Minutes
- Election of Diocesan Officers
- Announcements from the Secretary
- Report of the Committee on the Dispatch of Business
- Referral of Resolutions
- Nominations and Elections
- Bishop’s Address
- 2025 Budget
- Budget Subsequent Votes (if necessary)
- Reports
- Presentation of Resolutions
- Report of the Constitution & Canons Committee
- Elections and Appointments
- Presentation of Bishop’s Shield Awards
- Presentation of Honorary Canons of the Cathedral
- Report of the Courtesy Resolutions Committee
- Compline with Litany and Commissioning
Registration for the 2024 Annual Convention is now closed. If you’ve registered as a delegate or alternate, you will need to bring a device with internet access in order to vote. Registrants are also allowed to bring a non-metal framed stadium seat cushion to use in the nave of the Cathedral.
If you have any questions or issues during registration, reach out to our Communications Director or the Bishop’s Assistant at 816.471.6161.
Delegate Changes
We recognize that we’re still aways from our convention date and the situation is constantly changing. So, if your attendance needs changed after registering, no problem; just let us know by October 25 by emailing the Bishop’s Assistant. After October 25, however, any delegate changes must be presented IN WRITING on November 8 using the form linked below. This form will also be available at the check-in desk, if needed.
Grace & Holy Trinity Cathedral
November 8 – 9, 2024
This year’s Convention will be held in-person, with live-streaming available for people to watch.
Extract from the Canons and Constitution
Business before the Convention
- No resolution shall be considered as before the house unless it has been submitted in writing (including electronic submission in a manner approved by the Bishop and the Secretary) and has been received by the Bishop and Secretary four weeks before the opening of Convention to allow distribution to all delegates and introduction by title at Convention.
- Any resolution which has not been presented to the Bishop and to the Secretary four weeks prior to the convention date will not be considered as before the House unless copies of such resolution are made available to every delegate and, at Convention, two-thirds of said delegates agree to consider such resolution.
Resolutions Deadline & Submissions
The resolution deadline has passed. For more information, please contact the Rev. Canon Robin James, Resolutions Chair, at rectorgrace520@gmail.com.
Resolutions Received
- Resolution 2023-5: Eligibility of Deacons to Serve on Standing Committee
- Resolution 2024-1: Election and Service of Diocesan Officers (Substitute)
- Resolution 2024-2: Non-Voting Members of Diocesan Convention
- Resolution 2024-3: Composition of Diocesan Council
- Resolution 2024-4: Term Limits for Members of Commissions and Boards
- Resolution 2024-5: Election of Deanery Deans
- Resolution 2024-6: Clarification of Reimbursable Costs in Title IV Proceedings
- Resolution 2024-7: Authorizing Diocesan Council to Correct Clerical Issues
Rules for Election of Bishop Diocesan
Rule Ten: Convention Rules of Order.
A. Procedure.
1. Any business coming before the Annual Convention other than the election process shall be conducted pursuant to the Rules of Order Governing the Conduct of Business at Meetings of the Convention of The Diocese of West Missouri (“General Rules of Order”). Establishment of a quorum and certification of delegates shall be done in accordance with the General Rules of Order.
2. These Rules may be amended or suspended after their adoption by the Convention by a two-thirds majority of the certified delegates voting in each order. If the balloting has commenced for the election of a Bishop, then no Rule contained within may be amended or suspended without the four-fifths vote of the certified delegates in attendance.
3. When any voting is done by orders, other than by secret ballot, the laity shall vote first, and then the clergy.
4. All forms, ballots, and other written instruments as required under these Rules shall have been previously approved by the Chancellor as to form.
B. Procedures for Delegates and Alternates.
1. Upon certification, the Credentials Committee is authorized to issue each delegate or alternate the proper card.
2. Clerical delegates, lay delegates, and alternates will be issued different colored cards.
3. No alternate may be in the voting area, unless permitted by the Chair, while balloting is under way.
4. No alternate may vote as a delegate until the Credentials Committee has approved the transfer of voting cards. The transfer back to the original delegate must likewise be approved. The procedure for handling the process of transfer shall be established by the Credentials Committee and announced at the Convention.
C. Ballots and Counting.
1. Balloting and counting shall be conducted via an electronic voting system that permits anonymous voting and reporting of votes by orders. A vote conducted through reliable electronic means shall be deemed a written ballot, fulfilling any requirement in the Constitution and Canons that a vote be conducted by written ballot. Electronic votes shall be deemed anonymous, provided, however, that each electronic ballot shall designate whether the voting delegate is a member of the lay or clergy order.
2. In the event that the electronic voting system fails or is otherwise inoperable, voting shall be conducted by paper ballot. There shall be separate ballot boxes provided for each order, and the ballots for each order shall be printed on different colored paper. After sufficient time has been provided to delegates for marking their ballots, the delegate shall go to the proper ballot box for that delegate’s order, display their credential card to the member of the Credentials Committee, and hand over the ballot, which the Credentials Committee member shall place in the box.
3. Candidates shall be listed for election in alphabetical order.
4. After balloting has commenced, no motions, points of order, or the like shall be made from the floor. All such inquiries shall be made privately to the parliamentarian.
5. At the counting of the first through the third ballots, inclusive, the name of any nominee who fails to receive at least two (2) percent of votes in each order shall be dropped off all succeeding ballots. At the counting of the fourth ballot and all subsequent ballots, the name of any nominee who fails to receive at least five (5) percent of votes in each order shall be dropped off all succeeding ballots.
6. If the total number of ballots cast in either order shall exceed the number of certified delegates in that order, the ballot shall not be announced, and the order in which the excessive ballot or ballots were cast shall ballot again.
7. Any nominee is permitted to withdraw prior to the next ballot by notifying the Chair on the form provided for that purpose. If the nominee is not present, a representative shall be designated in writing to have full authority to withdraw the name of the nominee.
8. A nominee who receives a simple-majority vote of the certified delegates voting in each order on the same ballot shall be declared by the Chair as elected.
D. Decorum.
1. The floor shall be restricted to those holding delegate credentials from the Credentials Committee. Prior to the commencement of the voting on each ballot, the Chair shall ensure that only delegates are on the floor except for those whom the Chair shall have otherwise permitted. The vote shall thereafter be opened.
2. No nominee, if a delegate, may be a member of the Credentials Committee or Dispatch of Business Committee, involved with the collection or counting of ballots, speak to the Convention as to the nominee’s candidacy or withdrawal from the same, or announce to the Convention assembled after withdrawal the support of any other nominee.
3. It shall be deemed inappropriate for presentations on the floor by any delegate beyond the nomination process.
Resolutions Referred to Dioceses from the 81st General Convention
A043. Amend Constitution Article VIII regarding Clergy in Local Ecumenical Partnerships [First Reading]
Resolved, That the 81st General Convention amend Article VIII of the Constitution by adding the following paragraph at the end of the existing article:
<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>
Of Clergy in Local Ecumenical Partnerships
Local Ecumenical Partnerships (LEPs) are ministries that may be formed between Episcopal dioceses and their parallels in other Christian denominations in order to provide shared pastoral leadership.
An ordained minister in good standing of one of the constituent denominations identified in the canons may be appointed by the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese to serve in this Church on a temporary basis as part of a Local Ecumenical Partnership as governed by the relevant canons.
<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:>
Of Clergy in Local Ecumenical Partnerships
Local Ecumenical Partnerships (LEPs) are ministries that may be formed between Episcopal dioceses and their parallels in other Christian denominations in order to provide shared pastoral leadership.
An ordained minister in good standing of one of the constituent denominations identified in the canons may be appointed by the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese to serve in this Church on a temporary basis as part of a Local Ecumenical Partnership as governed by the relevant canons.
A224. Amend Article X with clarifying amendments (post 2024-A072) [First Reading]
Resolved, That the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church repeal Article X, Sections 1 and 2, and replace with the following:
<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>
Article X: Of The Book of Common Prayer
Sec. 1. The Book of Common Prayer is those liturgical forms, communal and devotional prayers, and other content authorized by the General Convention in accordance with this article and shall be enriched by our church’s cultural, geographical, and linguistic contexts. The Book of Common Prayer, as now established or hereafter amended by the General Convention shall be in use in all the Dioceses and other jurisdictions of this Church. Any Book of Common Prayer, or portions thereof, memorialized by the General Convention, is authorized for use at any service in all the Dioceses and other jurisdictions of this Church.
Sec. 2. No alteration thereof or addition thereto shall be made unless the General Convention approve the same on first reading in one regular meeting of the General Convention and, by resolve so directing, be sent by the Secretary of the General Convention to the Secretary of the Convention of every Diocese and other jurisdictions, to be made known to the Diocesan Convention at its next regular meeting, and be adopted on second reading without alteration by the General Convention at its next succeeding regular meeting by a majority of all Bishops, excluding retired Bishops not present, of the whole number of Bishops entitled to vote in the House of Bishops, and by an affirmative vote by orders in the House of Deputies in accordance with Art. I, Sec. 5 of this Constitution, except that concurrence in the affirmative by the orders shall require the affirmative vote in each order by a majority of the Dioceses and other jurisdictions entitled to representation in the House of Deputies.
<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:>
Article X: Of The Book of Common Prayer
Sec. 1. The Book of Common Prayer is those liturgical forms, communal and devotional prayers, and other content authorized by the General Convention in accordance with this article and shall be enriched by our church’s cultural, geographical, and linguistic contexts. The Book of Common Prayer, as now established or hereafter amended by the General Convention shall be in use in all the Dioceses and other jurisdictions of this Church. Any Book of Common Prayer, or portions thereof, memorialized by the General Convention, is authorized for use at any service in all the Dioceses and other jurisdictions of this Church.
Sec. 2. No alteration thereof or addition thereto shall be made unless the General Convention approve the same on first reading in one regular meeting of the General Convention and, by resolve so directing, be sent by the Secretary of the General Convention to the Secretary of the Convention of every Diocese and other jurisdictions, to be made known to the Diocesan Convention at its next regular meeting, and be adopted on second reading without alteration by the General Convention at its next succeeding regular meeting by a majority of all Bishops, excluding retired Bishops not present, of the whole number of Bishops entitled to vote in the House of Bishops, and by an affirmative vote by orders in the House of Deputies in accordance with Art. I, Sec. 5 of this Constitution, except that concurrence in the affirmative by the orders shall require the affirmative vote in each order by a majority of the Dioceses and other jurisdictions entitled to representation in the House of Deputies.
Article X: Of The Book of Common Prayer
Sec. 1. The Book of Common Prayer is understood to be those liturgical forms and other texts authorized by the General Convention in accordance with this article and the Canons of this Church.
The Book of Common Prayer in this Church is intended to be communal and devotional prayer enriched by our church’s cultural, geographical, and linguistic contexts. The Book of Common Prayer shall contain both public worship and private devotion. The Book of Common Prayer, as now established or hereafter amended by the General Convention, shall be in use in all the Dioceses of this Church.
Sec. 2. No alteration thereof or addition thereto shall be made unless the General Convention approve the same on first reading in one regular meeting of the General Convention and, by resolve so directing, be sent by the Secretary of the General Convention to the Secretary of the Convention of every Diocese, to be made known to the Diocesan Convention at its next regular meeting, and be adopted on second reading without alteration by the General Convention at its next succeeding regular meeting by a majority of all Bishops, excluding retired Bishops not present, of the whole number of Bishops entitled to vote in the House of Bishops, and by an affirmative vote by orders in the House of Deputies in accordance with Art. I, Sec. 5 of this Constitution, except that concurrence in the affirmative by the orders shall require the affirmative vote in each order by a majority of the Dioceses entitled to representation in the House of Deputies.
D049 Increase by one the possible number of bishops suffragans in a Diocese [First Reading]
Resolved, That Article II of the Constitution is amended as follows:
<Amended text as it would appear if adopted and concurred. Scroll below the line of asterisks (******) to see the version showing all deleted and added text.>
Article II: Of Bishops
Sec. 4. It shall be lawful for a Diocese, at the request of the Bishop of that Diocese, to elect not more than three Bishops Suffragan, without right of succession, and with seat and vote in the House of Bishops. A Bishop Suffragan shall be consecrated and hold office under such conditions and limitations other than those provided in this Article as may be provided by Canons of the General Convention. A Bishop Suffragan shall be eligible for election as Bishop Diocesan or Bishop Coadjutor of a Diocese, or as a Bishop Suffragan in another Diocese.
<Proposed amended resolution text showing exact changes being made:>
Article II: Of Bishops
Sec. 4. It shall be lawful for a Diocese, at the request of the Bishop of that Diocese, to elect not more than two three Bishops Suffragan, without right of succession, and with seat and vote in the House of Bishops. A Bishop Suffragan shall be consecrated and hold office under such conditions and limitations other than those provided in this Article as may be provided by Canons of the General Convention. A Bishop Suffragan shall be eligible for election as Bishop Diocesan or Bishop Coadjutor of a Diocese, or as a Bishop Suffragan in another Diocese.
Changes to the Book of Common Prayer:
A116 Marriage Rites for Inclusion in the Book of Common Prayer (First Reading)
Resolved, That the 81st General Convention authorize for trial use under Article X.b the following revisions to the Book of Common Prayer 1979:
BCP pp. 349 and 381: Following the Preface of Marriage, add the rubric “or this”, followed by Preface of Marriage, Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) Blue Book report p. 39
BCP p. 423: Revise the title to read “The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage I”
BCP p. 433: Revise the title to read “The Blessing of a Civil Marriage I”
BCP p. 435: Revise the title to read “An Order for Marriage I”
Following BCP p. 438, add The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage, SCLM Blue Book report pp. 28-36; The Blessing of Civil Marriage, SCLM Blue Book report pp. 36-37; An Order of Marriage, SCLM Blue Book report pp. 37-38; and Additional Directions, SCLM Blue Book Report, pp. 38-39; with the following revisions:
SCLM Blue Book Report p. 28: Revise the first paragraph Concerning the Service as follows: “At least one of the parties must be a baptized Christian; the ceremony must be attested by at least two witnesses; and the marriage must conform to the laws of the State and the canons of this Church.”
SCLM Blue Book Report p. 29: Revise the title to read “The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage II”
SCLM Blue Book Report p. 35: Replace “Preface of the Season” with “Preface of Marriage, or of the Season”
SCLM Blue Book Report p. 36: Revise the title to read “The Blessing of a Civil Marriage II”
SCLM Blue Book Report p. 37: Revise the title to read “An Order for Marriage II”
SCLM Blue Book Report p. 37: Replace the first paragraph of An Order of Marriage with the following text: “If it is desired to celebrate a marriage otherwise than as provided in the Book of Common Prayer or any authorized alternative thereto, this Order is used.”
SCLM Blue Book Report p. 37: Revise paragraph 3 of An Order of Marriage as follows: “The laws of the State and the canons of this Church having been complied with, the couple, together with their witnesses, families, and friends assemble in the church or in some other convenient place.”
Blue Book Report p. 37: Revise #1 of An Order of Marriage as follows: “The teaching of the Church concerning Holy Matrimony, as it is declared in the formularies and canons of this Church, is briefly stated.”
And be it further
Resolved, That these liturgies authorized for trial use be made available electronically at no cost; and be it further
Resolved, That the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music be directed to engage a dynamic equivalence translation of these texts into the Spanish, French, and Kreyol languages; and be it further
Resolved, That the liturgies The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage, The Blessing of a Civil Marriage, and An Order for Marriage as authorized in The Book of Common Prayer 1979 continue to be authorized for use in all dioceses of The Episcopal Church; and be it further
Resolved, That the General Convention request the Executive Council Budget Committee to allocate $12,000 for translation.
Sample Resolution
Title: Request for feasibility study for establishing a new congregation.
Proposer: Vestry of St. John by the Pond Church, Enterprise City, Vestry of St. Sebastian’s Arrowville.
Resolved: that the Diocesan Convention direct the Congregational Development Commission to undertake a research project to determine the feasibility and potential success of a new congregation in Jones County, Missouri and be it further,
Resolved: that the Convention allocate $500 from the Church Planting Fund to cover the cost of the study and be it further,
Resolved: that the Convention direct the Commission to report results of the study no later than six weeks prior to the 2014 Diocesan Convention.
Jones County is the third fastest growing geographic area in the diocese. New residents have been attracted by the satellite campus of South Lake Community College, the new microchip factory and the Amazon.com warehouse in Pike Center, the largest town in the county. The availability of jobs and the attractive surroundings of Jones County suggest the likelihood that population will continue to grow.
At this time, the two closest Episcopal Churches are St. Sebastian’s Arrowville and St. John by the pond Enterprise City. Both are more than one hour drive from Pike Center. Within a 25 mile radius of Pike Center, there are only three churches.
The proposers believe that sufficient population exists in Jones County to motivate a study in support of establishing a new congregation of the Episcopal Church. The proposers feel strongly that members of the Congregational Development Commission have the knowledge, expertise and experience to conduct and report a study that would provide additional information pertinent to a decision to establish a new congregation.
Diocesan Council Nominees

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
- Senior Warden at St. Augustine’s
- Past President and Church Periodical Club at St. Augustine’s
- Member of Altar Guild
- Episcopal Church Women
- Eucharistic Minister and Visitor
- Hospitality Committee
- Chair of Outreach Project (Necessity Project)
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
- Currently a member of the Diocesan Council
- Currently chair of the Diversity and Reconciliation Commission
- A member of the Peace and Justice Committee
- Member of the Standing Committee and Vice-chair: 2016 – 2020
- President of the Standing Committee: 2020 – 2022
- Delegate and Alternates to the Diocesan Convention
- Secretary of The Diocese of West Missouri Episcopal Church Women
- Member and Treasurer of the Diocese of West Missouri Union of Black Episcopalians
- Co-Chair of the Transition Committee for the Election of our Ninth Bishop of Diocese of West Missouri
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
- Member of the Anit-Racism Committee of Province VII
- Past President of the Province VII Episcopal Church Women: 2005 – 2008
- Alternate Deputy to General Convention: Minneapolis, Minesota
- Triennial delegate: 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018, 2024
- Chosen as Women of The Year at the 2012 Triennial
Additional Comments
I feel that Racial and Cultural Differences are seen as Assets. A level of welcoming and acceptance is what we should be aiming for in all of our parishes. This means a concerted effort at eradicating the social sin of any racial bias and truly accepting diverse peoples in our congregations.

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
Church of the Redeemer, Kansas City
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
I am a lifelong Episcopalian. My service to the church began at age 8 as an acolyte and lector at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Brownwood, TX. As a young adult, I became a Licensed Lay Eucharistic Minister. and Sunday School Teacher serving both St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Waco, TX and St. Paul’s on the Plains Episcopal Church in Lubbock, TX. I served on the Vestry at St. Paul’s and was an active member of the Altar Guild until 2012.
After a move to Kansas City, I became a member of Church of the Redeemer in 2013. Since that time I have continued my service as a Lay Eucharist Minister and Lector. I also helped create and lead the Family Life Center ministry alongside Rev. Elisabeth Sinclair from 2016-2020. I serve with a team of Redeemerites at the South Platte County Emergency Assistance Center food pantry (multi-denominational) on a monthly basis and have been nominated to serve on the SPEAC board in 2025.
I became a member of the Redeemer staff in 2014 leading the Sunday School ministry for almost 10 years. In 2018 I also became a member of the administrative team taking the role of Finance Administrator. I was nominated Treasurer in 2022 and continue to serve in both roles at Redeemer. Under the leadership of Fr. Isaac Petty, I helped introduce the first Narrative Budget to the Redeemer community in 2023, highlighting our desire to allocate resources to align with our mission and ministry goals.
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
I have served as a delegate to Diocesan convention and as a representative of the NW Metro Deanery for Church of the Redeemer in 2023 and 2024.
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
- I have not served at the Provincial/General Church level.
Additional Comments
Church service has been at the cornerstone of my life since I slipped on an acolyte robe for the first time. That service has evolved over the years to include almost every aspect of lay ministry and several administrative roles within the church. My hope is to bring this experience to the Diocesan Council as we work to grow, evolve and expand the Mission and Ministries of the Diocese of West Missouri.

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
Trinity Episcopal Church, Lebanon
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
As a clergy daughter, Amanda grew up being steeped in Anglican tradition, worship, and ministry; being in church are some of her earliest and fondest memories.
At Trinity, Lebanon:
- Bishop’s Warden: January 2009 – January 2014
- Bishop’s Committee Member: January 2007 – January 2009, January 2022 – present
- Altar Guild: August 2006 – present
- Eucharistic Minister: January 2013 – present
- Lector: August 2006 – present
At Trinity, Kirksville:
- Peer Minister for Campus Ministry: January 2004 – December 2005
- Bishop’s Committee Clerk: January 2004 – December 2005
- Lector: August 2003 – December 2005
- Choir Member: August 2003 – December 2005
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
- Convention and Deanery Delegate: 2010 – present
- Youth Ministry Commission Member: August 2011 – present
- Diocesan Council Member: 2014 – 2018, 2020 – 2024
- Vice-dean of the Southern Deanery Council
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
- Attended General Convention with WEMO Youth: 2012 and 2015.
- General Convention Deputy: 2018, 2022, and 2024
- Chair of General Convention Deputation: 2024
Additional Comments
In secular life, Amanda is a high school social studies teacher. She has held numerous leadership roles at school including Professional Development Committee building chair, PLC facilitator, PBIS Committee secretary, new teacher mentor, curriculum writer, and local NEA co-president. Amanda enjoys traveling to experience and learn more from the world.

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
- Parish Administrator: 2020 – present
- Resident in the Rectory: 2020 – present
- Outreach Committee chair: 2023 – present
- Hospitality Committee chair: 2018 – present
- Stewardship Committee co-chair: 2023, 2024
- Budget Committee: 2022 – present
- Technology Support Committee: 2023 – present
- Lector: 2022 – present
- Altar Guild: 2021 – present
- Daily Mass Server: 2021 – present
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
- Lay Minister Chair for the Commission on Ministry: 2023 – present
- Treasurer of the Secretariat for Heartland Cursillo: 2020 – present
- Chair of the LGBTQ+ Committee: 2024 – present
- Finance Committee: 2022 – present
- Deanery Council: 2021 – present
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
- N/A
Additional Comments

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Excelsior Springs
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
St. Luke’s:
- Lector, Intercessor, Usher/Greeter: 2023 – 2024
- Envisioners Committee: 2024
Christ Church, Lexington:
- Vestry member: 2016 – 2017
- Senior Warden: 2018 – 2022
- Worship Leader: 2019 – 2022
- Lector: 2017 – 2022
Church of the Good Shepherd, Kansas City (1980 – 2017):
- Vestry member: 2012 – 2014
- Pledge Secretary: 2000 – 2016
- Financial Ministry Council: 2010 – 2016
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
- Central Deanery 2016-2022
- Diocesan Council 2018-appointed by Bishop Martin Field
- Elected to Diocesan Council 2020 and 2022
Any additional comments?
Life-long Episcopalian; Confirmed by The Rev. John M. Allin, Bishop of Mississippi, at Trinity Episcopal Church, Yazoo City, MS in December 1957; Bishop Allin would later be elected Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. Completed Education for Ministry program 2016; became member of Daughters of the King 2016.
I have been honored to serve the past several years on Diocesan Council and look forward to continuing to serve the Diocese and our new Bishop in whatever capacity I may.

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
Grace Episcopal Church, Carthage
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
- Bishop’s Warden, St. Stepehen’s Episcopal, Monett: February 2018 – October 2023
- Monett Area Vacation Bible School: 2018, 2019, 2021
- Men of Grace, Grace Episcopal, Carthage: 2024
- Olde World Market, Grace Episcopal: November/December 2024
- Reader for Service Lessons at Grace Episcopal: June 2024 – present
- Various volunteer work at Grace Episcopal
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
- The Diocese of West Missouri Convention Lay Delegate for St. Stephen’s Episcopal: 2018 – 2022.
- Attended most Southern Deanery meetings during my tenure as Bishop’s Warden at St. Stephen’s Episcopal.
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
- N/A
Additional comments
As Bishop’s Warden at St. Stephen’s, I developed and implemented our Covid protocol (via The Diocese of West Missouri’s approval) for return to live and online services from May 2020 through discontinuance in May 2022. I set up and managed online Facebook services for St. Stephen’s starting in September 2020, and managed all Outreach programs (generally 6) for St. Stephen’s, including Southern Deanery request forms from 2018 through 2023.
As Bishop’s Warden at St. Stephen’s. I oversaw all major repairs, purchases, and a $16,000 renovation to the church from donated funds. I also performed all custodial services along with minor repairs. From October 2021 through my departure from St. Stephen’s in October 2023, the church conducted services with a longterm Supply Priest and 3 lay people assisting with Eucharistic services and Morning Prayer services when the Supply Priest was unavailable. I was one of those 3 lay people that also inlcuded Harold Schelin and Linda Schelin.
Licensed Eucharistic Visitor: March 2019 – February 2022.
Licensed Eucharistic Minister: March 2022 – February 2025.

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
St. James Episcopal Church, Springfield
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
Since I began attending St. James in 2021, I have served as a substitute organist. In February of 2023, I joined our team of volunteers who lead nightly online Compline. In April of 2023, I started serving as a lector.
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
At the deanery level, I began serving as a deanery delegate in 2023. At the diocesan level, I began serving as one of St. James Church’s delegates to the Annual Convention in 2023. I also serve as a member of the Consecration Committee and the Music Subcommittee.
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
None at present.
Additional Comments
Although I’ve only been a part of the Episcopal Church for a few years, I have served in relative capacities in other denominations. Before joining the Episcopal Church, I was Director of Music and Organist at a Roman Catholic parish. I also served as a music director and organist for the diocese, planning and implementing liturgy and music for diocesan-wide events, including ordinations, chrism masses, and retreats.
Eventually, I no longer felt at home in the Roman Church. One of the things I looked for before attending a new church was their approach to church government. Although I believe in an episcopal structure, I struggled in my previous denomination with the lack of laity in leadership. Without input from the laity, it can be a very slippery slope to a church or diocese becoming a sort of “clerical oligarchy.” I also found that it is difficult for a church to maintain an ethical level of transparency without lay involvement in leadership. One of the things that originally drew me to the Episcopal Church was the commitment to and high valuation of lay involvement in leadership.
My search for a new church brought me to St. James in Springfield. St. James is a very welcoming, genuine, prayerful, and loving parish. I have found a new home within our spiritual community, both on the parish and greater church levels. I am thankful to have been given the opportunity to serve within different levels of the church, and I would love to serve as part of the Diocesan Council.

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
Grace Episcopal Church, Carthage
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
I have been a member of Grace for most of my life. I have been on the Vestry twice, serving as the Clerk both times. I am an acolyte mentor, a Sacristan, a Sunday School teacher, assist with the AV program, and serve as a delegate for the Diocesan Convention. I also oversee the Grace Church Youth Pilgrimage Program.
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
I serve on the Diocesan Convention Planning Committee (two years), and served over the summer as the Assistant Secretary of the Diocese and the secretary for the Bishop Search Committee. Prior to 2016, I was also actively involved with the Diocesan Youth Program for many years.
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
I have not been fortunate enough to be involved at the provincial/general church level.
Additional Comments
It would be an honor to serve as a member of Diocesan Council.

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
Christ Episcopal Church, Springfield
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
- Priest: July 2024 – Present
- Young Adult Ministry: July 2024 – Present
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
- Youth Ministry Commission: 2015 – 2017
- Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral Youth Intern: 2017 – 2020
- Diocesan summer intern: 2018, 2019, 2020
- Southern Deanery Clericus meetings: monthly, beginning July 2024
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
- Attended 2015 General Convention as part of the diocesan youth program
- Attended 2018 General Convention as a diocesan intern
Additional Comments
Involvement at a church level includes only my involvement since I have started working at Christ Church, Springfield. I was involved at a church level throughout my entire life before attending seminary.

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
- Communicant at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 2019 – 2023
- Children’s Coordinator at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral from 2021- Spring of 2023
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion researcher for the Cathedral, 2022 – Spring of 2023
- Associate Rector and Chaplin of St. Paul’s Episcopal Day School Summer of 2023- Present Day
List your involvement at Deanery and/or Diocesan levels; what and when?
- Peace and Justice Committee, 2022- September of 2023
- Be S.M.A.R.T Presenter, Present Day
- Formation Committee, 2022 – Present Day
- Access For all God’s Children, 2022 – Winter of 2023
- Member of the UBE, February 2022 – Present Day
And additional comments?
Over the past year, I have been honored to support and lead several committees and Ministries at St. Paul’s Church and Day School and for the diocese. These ministries include the Chapel Leadership Team for St. Paul’s School, the Pastoral Care Network, The Finance Committee, the diocesan Spiritual Formation Committee with particular oversight of the Godly Play Lending Library, and Children and Youth Ministries at St. Paul’s church. My experience has allowed me to work with diverse groups of people to collaboratively cast a vision and execute the business entrusted to them. I desire to bring this posture of curiosity and constructive conversation to the Diocesan Council as it welcomes the ninth bishop of the Diocese of West Missouri.
In service to God and her Church,
Mtr. Brittany Sparrow Savage

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
- Vicar, Church of the Good Shepherd, Springfield, 2002-2005
- Associate rector, St. Andrew’s Kansas City, 2005-2011
- Priest-in-Charge, St. Andrew’s, Kansas City, 2011-2012
- Rector, St. Andrew’s, Kansas City, 2012-present
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
- West Missouri Spirit Editorial Board, 2003-2012
- Diocesan Liturgy and Spirituality Committee 2003-2007
- Standing Committee, 2004-2007 (president 2006-2007)
- Diocesan Council, 2006-2007
- Diocesan Communications Committee, 2006-2009
- Dean of the Metro Deanery and member of Episcopal Ministry Support Team, 2013-2014
- Presenter at Summer Church Summit, 2017
- Presenter at Bishop’s Day, 2018
- Standing Committee, 2017-2023 (president 2022-2023)
- Diocesan Council, 2023
- Bishop Search Committee, 2023-2024
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
- Member and participant, Episcopal Parish Network, 2013-present
- Member of diocesan delegation to TEC’s Project Resource, 2017
- Workshop leader in Columbus, OH (Diocese of Southern Ohio), 2018
- General Convention deputy, 2022
Additional Comments
Author of “Beating the Boundaries: The Church God is Calling Us to Be,” Morehouse, 2016.
Standing Committee Nominees

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
St. James Episcopal Church, Springfield
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
I have been the organist-choirmaster at St. James for almost 15 years. In that role, I handle all music for the parish (selecting service music, playing organ, directing adult choir, developing children’s music programming). I have also helped at VBS and am working to become a licensed Eucharistic visitor.
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
I have been on the Standing Committee for one term. I also regularly attend the optional joint SC/COM sessions as often as I can. I have assisted with music for two different visits of the Presiding Bishop to our diocese.
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
I provided music for the ordination of Bp. Jos Tharakan.
Additional Comments
I am unable to participate in the vestry of my church because I’m an employee. I appreciate being able to serve the church in some capacity on the SC.

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
Grace & Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
St. Peter’s, Harrisonville (member 1973 – 1997)
- Acolyte
- Eucharistic Minister
- Convention Delegate
Christ Church, Warrensburg (member 1997 – 2002)
- Acolyte
- Eucharist Minister
- Vestry (filled 1 year of unexpired term)
- Convention Delegate
Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City (member 2002 – present)
- Acolyte
- Acolyte Coordinator: 2005 – 2018
- Eucharistic Minister
- Convention Delegate
- Youth Volunteer
- Interim Youth Minister: 2021 – 2023
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
- Diocesan Secretary: April 2014 – March 2024
- Diocesan Council: elected 2011, 2013
- As noted above, Diocesan Convention delegate in various years
- Youth Action Council/Youth Ministry Commission: 2005-2015 (approx), also served on predecessor as a youth 1989 – 1991
- Commission on Ministry: 1999 – 2001
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
- 4-time General Convention Deputy: 2024, 2022, 2018, 2015
- Chair, House of Deputies Committee on Minutes: 2024
- Member, House of Deputies Committee on Committees and Commissions: 2022
Additional Comments

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
Christ Episcopal Church, Springfield
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
- Christ Church Vestry: 2001 – 2007, 2012 – 2018
- Senior Warden: 2013 – 2018
- Chair of Parish Council: 2015 – 2018
- Co-Chair of Parish “Ripe for the Harvest” program: 2013 – 2014
- EfM Graduate: 2011 – 2015
- Volunteer at Center City Christian Outreach Well of Life Food Pantry: 2012 – 2017
- DOK: Member 2013 – present; Treasurer 2019 – 2023; President 2023 – present
- Chairman of 2 Congregation Discernment Committees: 2001 & 2013
- Stewardship Committee Chair: 2005 – 2006
- Member of 2 Youth Minister Search Committees
- Coordinated Congregational Mediation Process: 2016
- Women’s Bible Study Facilitator: 2022 – present
- Rector Search Committee: 2022 – 2023
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
- Diocesan Council: 2015 – 2019
- Member of Development Committee for the South Youth Network: 2013 – 2015
- Southern Deanery Council: 2012- present
- Bishop Day Conferences
- Delegate to Diocesan Convention: 2012 – present
- Standing Committee: 2020 – present
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
- N/A
Additional Comments
I am a retired High School Counselor, and I have been an Episcopalian since I was a young child at Trinity Episcopal Church in Tulsa, OK. We have attended Christ Church, Springfield for nearly 40 years. Over the years, my family has received many blessings for which I am very grateful. I feel that my six-year (twice) experience on the Vestry and serving as Senior Warden for five at Christ Church and on the Diocesan Council have given me insight to the issues and opportunities the Diocese of West Missouri will be facing in the future. My continuing service on the Standing Committee would provide continuity to the SC especially during the election and beginning of the episcopacy of the Ninth Bishop Diocesan of West Missouri.

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Lee’s Summit
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
- Rector, St. Paul’s – Lee’s Summit, 2021 – present
- Ministry Developer, Episcopal Churches of the Ozarks regional ministry, 2012 – 2019
- Supply Priest, Diocese of Ely and Diocese of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich, Church of England, 2009 – 2011
- Priest-in-Charge, St. Stephen’s – Wichita Falls, TX and St. John the Evangelist – Burkburnett, TX, 2004 – 2008
- Vicar/Rector, St. George – Camdenton, 1997 – 2004
- Holy Spirit Episcopal Church – Kansas City, 2001 – 1997
- All Saints Episcopal Church – Kansas City, 1973 – 2001
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
- Dean of Central Deanery/Diocesan Council/Finance Committee, 2023 – present
- Commission on Ministry, 2022 – present
- Liturgy and Music Commission, 2022 – present
- Diocesan Chaplain to Daughters of the King, 2018 – present
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
- General Convention Deputy – 2018
Any additional comments?
I was ordained a priest of the Diocese of West Missouri in 1997, and though I have not served within the diocese my entire career as a priest, I have always been a priest of this diocese. As a nearly lifelong member of the diocese, I bring history and personal experience which I believe is useful when combined with the new and fresh ideas of younger members, both clergy and lay. I am devoted to this diocese and want to see it move forward in growth, preserved tradition and renewed dedication to our Lord, in life and ministry.

Which deanery do you reside in?
Northwest Metro
Which church do you attend?
St. Peter & All Saints Episcopal Church, Kansas City
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
I have served as the rector of St. Peter & All Saints for eight years and served as associate rector at Christ Church in Springfield for 12 years.
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
- Standing Committee President and VP (3 terms)
- Dean of the Southern Deanery
- Diocesan Council (ex-officio as Dean and Standing Committee President)
- Commission on Ministry (10 years)
- Finance Committee
- Many other Diocesan and Convention Committees
- Bishop Kemper School for Ministry Board of Directors Executive Committee Member
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
- Five-time General Convention Deputy (once as an alternate)
Any additional comments?
- Former officer at State Street Bank & Trust; Lockton Companies (IT)

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church & Day School, Kansas City
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
- Rector, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church & Day School, Kansas City: 2021 – present
- Priest-in-Charge, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Omaha, NE: 2020 – 2021
- Director of Congregational Life, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Omaha, NE: 2017 – 2020
- Assistant Rector, St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church, Overland Park, KS: 2014 – 2017
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
- Diocesan Council (Diocese of West Missouri): 2022 – 2024
- Bishop Search Committee for IX Diocesan Bishop, chair (Diocese of West Missouri): 2023 – 2024
- Congregational Vitality Committee (Diocese of West Missouri): 2023 – present
- Beginning Well leadership (Diocese of West Missouri): 2022 – present
- Youth Ministry Commission (Diocese of West Missouri): 2022 – present
- Disciplinary Board, Vice President (Diocese of West Missouri): 2022 – present
- Commission on Ministry (Diocese of Nebraska): 2018 – 2020
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
- 81st General Convention (2024), Deputy, Diocese of West Missouri
- 78th General Convention (2015), 1st Alternate Deputy, Diocese of Kansas
Additional Comments

Which deanery do you reside in?
Which church do you attend?
St. James Episcopal Church, Springfield
List your involvement at a Church level; what and when?
- Rector – St. James, Springfield: 2023 – present
- Vicar – St. Luke’s, Excelsior Springs: 2021 – 2023
- Curate – Redeemer, Kansas City: 2021 – 2023
List your involvement at Deanery and Diocesan levels; what and when?
- Current: Special Budget Committee, Finance Committee, Stewardship Commission, Youth Ministry Commission, Communications Committee
- 2023 – 2024: Bishop Search Committee
- 2021 – 2023: Dean – Central Deanery
- 2021 – 2023: Diocesan Council
List your involvement at a Provincial/General Church level; what and when?
- 2024: Deputy to the 81st General Convention
How to Submit a Report
The deadline for Committee, Commission and Ministry reports to Diocesan Convention has passed.
Chairs of all Diocesan Commissions, Committees and Ministries are required to complete an annual written report to Diocesan Convention. Leaders are to complete the online form (below), which will assist you in answering the following questions for this year’s report:
- When does your group regularly meet?
- How many meetings were held this year?
- What are the highlights of your ministry for 2024?
- What are your plans for ministry in 2025?
- Who are the members of your commission, committee or ministry (with email address, if possible)?
Careful and considered answers to these questions will continue to help guide us in being more missional minded and more consistent in thinking through how our ministries meet or fail to meet the imperatives of the Gospel.
Reports Received
Convention Materials
- Mrs. Linda England, spouse of the Rev. Bryan England, who passed in 2019
- The Rev. Lawrence B. Lewis
- Mr. Robert Edward “Bob” Schubert, spouse of the Rev. Rebecca “Beck”
- Malcom Schubert
- The Rev. Daniel Erdman
- Mrs. Sue Johnson, spouse of the Rev. Doug Johnson
- The Rev. Paula Lively
- The Rev. Rolf Leed
- The Rev. Nancy Nevins
- Mr. Kenneth Edward “Eddie” Mynatt, spouse of the Rev. Chari Mynatt
- The Rev. Robert E. Wood
- The Rev. Robert A. Murphy
- Mr. Darrell Jarman, Parish Administrator and Organist at All Saints’, Nevada
Ministry Fair
- Access for All God’s Children Committee
- Bishop Kemper School for Ministry
- College and Young Adult Ministry Commission
- Diocesan Archives
- Episcopal Veterans Fellowship
- KC for Refugees
- Nativity Puppets
- Peace and Justice Committee
- The Rev. Canon Edward L. Warner Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians
- Sewanee | University of the South | The School of Theology
- Spiritual Formation Commission
- St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church
- St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church | We Go International
- St. Luke’s Health & Bishop Spencer Place
- St. Paul’s Episcopal Day School
- Stewardship Commission
Adoptions and Results
Adopted Resolutions
- Resolution 2023-5: Eligibility of Deacons to Serve on Standing Committee (Will have a second reading at the 2025 Convention)
- Resolution 2024-1: Election and Service of Diocesan Officers (Substitute) (Will have a second reading at the 2025 Convention)
- Resolution 2024-4: Term Limits for Members of Commissions and Boards
- Resolution 2024-5: Election of Deanery Deans
- Resolution 2024-6: Clarification of Reimbursable Costs in Title IV Proceedings
- Resolution 2024-7: Authorizing Diocesan Council to Correct Clerical Issues