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Career Development

A call to the ordained ministry lives and grows throughout a lifetime of work. Look here for the latest job openings in the diocese, or other resources and information that will be valuable to you.

Available Positions

Other available job openings for The Diocese of West Missouri or our parishes can be found here, as they open up.

Part-Time Secretary

The vestry of St. Matthew’s Church in Raytown are searching for a part-time secretary who would primarily create a weekly bulletin. Other tasks might include a funeral bulletin; a booklet for a baptism service, and help with the compilation of the Annual Report. Ideal candidates will be able to work 8 hours a week, but hours and pay can be discussed. Please contact Senior Warden Jason Brooks at 816-739-5667 or, or contact Fr. Hurst at 816-260-7489 or

Office of Transition Ministries

Open Positions for Clergy

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