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The Union of Black Episcopalians


The Union of Black Episcopalians mission is to unite the diverse cultures, concerns and gifts of black Episcopalians by providing preparation and encouragement for living the Baptismal Covenant and fully participating in the mission and governance of The Episcopal Church.


CJ Duffie

CJ Duffie, M. Div.


Keith Johnson Headshot Resized

Keith N. Johnson, Jr., M. Div.

Vice President

Purple BG bottom text

Nancy Chiviz-Franklin


Diocese of West Missouri, Shirley Bolden

Canon Shirley Bolden


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Austin Boyland



  • Alex Boyd
  • Jordan Boyd
  • The Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce
  • Melissa Campbell
  • Thomas Campbell
  • Emily Davenport
  • Nanci Franklin
  • Sara Frazier
  • Sylvia Gaitan
  • The Rev. Lynda Hurt
  • The Rev. Adam James
  • Kim James
  • Kathleen
  • The Rev. Rita Kendagor
  • Sharon Maye
  • Susan Paynter
  • Brenda Richardson
  • Rick
  • Jennifer Sackhoff
  • The Rev. Brittany Sparrow Savage
  • Cameron Sparrow Savage
  • The Rev. Galen Snodgrass
  • Kim Snodgrass
  • Taryn
  • The Rev. Barbara Wegener