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2022 Annual Convention appointments and election results

By November 10, 2022November 2nd, 20232022 Annual Convention

Diocesan Officers

Secretary — one-year term

  • Mr. Curtis Hamilton
    Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City

Treasurer — one-year term

  • Mr. Thomas Kokjer
    St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City

Diocesan Council — elected to two-year terms

Lay Order

  • Ms. Shirley Bolden
    St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City
  • Mr. Spencer Orr
    Grace Episcopal Church, Carthage
  • Ms. Amanda Perschall
    Trinity Episcopal Church, Lebanon
  • Ms. Beverly Roggenkamp
    Christ Episcopal Church, Lexington

Clergy Order

  • The Rev. Steven King
    St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City
  • The Rev. Galen Snodgrass
    The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Kansas City

Standing Committee — elected to two-year terms

Clergy Order

  • The Rev. Larry Ehren
    St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church, Belton
  • The Rev. Ted Estes
    St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Joplin

Lay Order

  • Mr. Jeremy Chesman
    St. James Episcopal Church, Springfield
  • Ms. Marsha Patterson
    Christ Episcopal Church, Springfield

Deputies to General Convention

Clergy Deputies and Alternates to General Convention

  • (D) The Rev. Chas Marks
    St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City
  • (D) The Rev. Anne Meredith Kyle
    Calvary Episcopal Church, Sedalia
  • (D) The Rev. Steven King
    St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City
  • (D) The Very Rev. Isaac Petty
    The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, Kansas City and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Excelsior Springs
  • (A) The Very Rev. Canon Robin James
    Grace Episcopal Church, Liberty
  • (A) The Rev. Collin Larimore
    Grace Episcopal Church, Carthage
  • (A) The Very Rev. Andrew Keyse
    Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City

Lay Deputies and Alternates to General Convention

  • (D) Ms. Amanda Perschall
    Trinity Episcopal Church, Lebanon
  • (D) Mr. Curtis Hamilton
    Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City
  • (D) Mr. Spencer Orr
    Grace Episcopal Church, Carthage
  • (D) Ms. Alexandra Connors
    St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City
  • (A) Ms. Christine Morrison
    Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City
  • (A) Mr. Robert Maynard
    St. Peter and All Saints Episcopal Church, Kansas City
  • (A) Mr. David Schlomer
    Calvary Episcopal Church, Sedalia

Board of Examining Chaplains — elected to three-year terms

  • The Rev. John Coil
  • Dr. Linda Robertson
    St. John’s, Springfield

Disciplinary Board — elected to three-year terms

  • The Rev. Jonathan Frazier
    St. Peter & All Saints, Kansas City​
  • The Rev. Steven King
    St. Paul’s, Kansas City​
  • Ms. Anne Gardner
    Calvary, Sedalia

BKSM Board of Directors — elected to two-year terms

  • The Rev. Charles Everson
    St. Mary’s, Kansas City​
  • Ms. Carmen Kynard-Krasick
    St. Augustine’s, Kansas City

Commission on Ministry — elected to three-year terms

  • The Rev. Tim Coppinger
    St. Paul’s, Lee’s Summit​
  • The Rev. Kary Mann
    Trinity, Independence​
  • The Rev. Joe Pierjok
    Grace, Carthage
  • The Rev. Rita Kendagor
    St. Andrew’s, Kansas City​
  • Ms. Meredith Seaton
    St. Paul’s, Kansas City​
  • Mr. Raja Reed
    St. Mary’s, Kansas City

Committee on the Minutes

  • Mr. Curtis Hamilton, Diocesan Secretary as Chair​
  • The Rev. Ted Estes
    St. Philip’s, Joplin​
  • Mr. Spencer Orr
    Grace Church, Carthage​
  • Ms. Marsha Patterson
    Christ Church, Springfield​
  • The Rev. Dcn. Donna Stanford
    St. Peter & All Saints, Kansas City​
  • Ms. Emily Davenport
    Diocesan Staff


  • 11-10-2022 – Lay General Convention Deputies, the first alternate was originally posted as Mr. Chris Morrison. It should have been Ms. Christine Morrison. The entry has been updated.