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Disciplinary Board

Dedicated to preventing clergy misconduct within the diocese


The Diocese of West Missouri is committed to the prevention of clergy misconduct within the Church and to respond with justice and compassion when misconduct occurs. Title IV of the Episcopal Church Canons governs the handling of clergy misconduct. Please refer to Constitution & Canons of the Episcopal Church, Title IV, Canons 3 & 4 for information about what constitutes an offense.

The Diocese’s Title IV Intake Officer is appointed to receive and process complaints regarding possible canonical offenses against clergy. The Intake Officer will:

  • Listen respectfully
  • Offer pastoral care and response
  • Create a written report of the complaint
  • Answer questions about the process

The Intake Officer for the Diocese is The Rev. Deacon Barbara Wegener. Deacon Wegener may be contacted by email or by phone (816-471-6161 ext. 101). Anyone can report information concerning an offense by a clergy member. Every effort will be made to ensure confidentiality of information received as part of the Intake reporting procedure. The report is then referred to the Diocese’s Disciplinary Board for further action in accordance with the Church’s Constitution & Canons.


Ordinations to the Diaconate. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Kan

The Rev. Barbara Wegener

Intake Officer

Christy Dorn Headshot

The Rev. Christy Dorn



  • Mr. Greg Bentz, Church Attorney
  • The Rev. Ken Chumbley
  • The Rev. Jonathan Frazier
  • Ms. Anne Gardner
  • Ms. Mary Johnson
  • The Rev. Steven King
  • Ms. Evelyn Mangan