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Last November, at our Diocesan Convention, we approved a new budget for 2024. This budget included two funds that will help us as a Diocese develop new clergy leaders and provide clergy leadership for parishes wishing to partner together for ministry, the Curacy Program and Shared Ministry Developers.

Since then, members of the diocese including Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce, Fr. Chas Marks, our Missioner for Transitions, and Diocesan Council have worked to create a more detailed description for each of these programs and what we can expect moving forward.

Please read below the descriptions and expectations for these funds. As The Diocese of West Missouri continues to grow, we hope that your congregation will take advantage of these programs for your ministry.

Shared Ministry Developers: $50,000

These positions support multiple congregations, but do not necessarily create regional ministries.

  • These are seasoned clergy who are already trained in, or committed to learning congregational development and are gifted in offering Christian formation in a parochial context.
  • Congregations must show financial need.
  • Congregations must work with the Missioner for Transitions to identify.
  • The Missioner for Transitions, the Vice President of Council and the Bishop bring forward recommendations to Council after vetting the financial situation at the applying congregation(s) and the Shared Ministry Developer candidate.
  • Council approves or rejects the funding for the Shared Ministry Developers recommendation.
  • Council must agree to funding each position for up to five years, with the possibility of renewal.
  • A mutual ministry review will be conducted annually among the Shared Ministry Developer, the Missioner for Transitions, and the congregation, with the results reported to Council.
  • Shared Ministry Developer is not a diocesan staff position.

Curacy Program: $60,000

Provides a structured period of training and practical experience to those newly ordained.

  • Congregation applying for this money needs to prove they cannot afford to fully fund this curate position.
  • Congregation applying needs to commit to continuing this curate position for a period of at least two full years. In most cases, this will be with the same Curate.
  • Diocesan Council commits to fund a portion of this position for two years.
  • The hiring congregation is encouraged to continue to raise money to fund this Curate position.
  • The Missioner for Transitions, the Vice President of Council and the Bishop bring forward recommendations to Council after vetting the financial situation at the applying congregation and the Curate candidate.
  • Council approves or rejects the funding for the Curacy recommendation.

The descriptions provided can also be found on the updated 2024 Budget Doc, on the finance and administration page, or the 2023 Annual Convention page.

If you have any questions about the Shared Ministry Developers or Curacy program, please contact Fr. Chas Marks.