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Creation Care Commission

Caring for our communities and parishes through environmental stewardship


We believe that this earth we call home was created by God and called good, just as God created us humans and called us good. The psalms teach us that the earth belongs to God and all that dwells upon it. Genesis 1:26-28 states that human beings are created in God’s “image and likeness” and given dominion over all other creatures. “Dominion” does not mean “domination,” but refers to the need for humans to exercise responsibility for the earth as God’s representatives.

We, as Christians in the tradition of The Episcopal Church, can further express our likeness in the divine image by loving the creation as God loves it, and by exercising stewardship as an act of love. This commission of The Diocese of West Missouri is tasked with maintaining current and relevant resources for the diocese to access and utilize, to share the stories of our parishes as they engage in the life-giving work of caring for God’s creation in their communities, and to further explore ways in which we as Christians may continue to grow in the image and likeness of the one who saves us through environmental stewardship.

“For the good earth which God has given us, and for the wisdom and will to conserve it, let us pray to the Lord.”

– Prayers of the People, Form I, BCP page 384.


All Things Episcopal Co host the Rev. Collin Larimore

The Rev. Collin Larimore



  • Mr. Jory Mertens
  • The Rev. Ryan Williams