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From October 4 – 6, clergy spouses of The Diocese of West Missouri met at Conception Abbey for a time of prayer and discussion and fellowship.

Spouses included Joy Bowers, Ann Frazier, Ann Spicer, Cheryl Moon, Gina Njegoven, and Steve Bruce, who were led by the Rev. Rita Kendagor in discussions about their childhoods, parents, the presence of angels in their stories, and the blessing of time away at the beautiful Abbey.

The Rev. Rita also led an exercise in Visio Divina, using Henry Ossawa Tanner’s painting ‘The Annunciation’, and under her guidance the clergy spouses did a contemplative exercise of painting a rock and reflecting on our creation.

The spouses also attended prayer with the Brothers, and walked the beautiful grounds of the Abbey.

Although we were all different, with different experiences, we do share the experience of having clergy for a spouse. It was nice to be with a group of people who understood that particular journey. I encourage all clergy spouses to try it just once. I think you will be surprised at how much that time will mean to you.

It was fun, inspiring and just great to be around spiritual individuals who were accepting.

Steve, thank you for all your organizing and thoughtful attention you put into our retreat. I loved it and loved building on the fellowship we share with other clergy spouses.

The retreat was nourishing for me to just “be” with our fellow clergy spouses again. Being free to relax, get to know one another again, and get to know a new spouse was an enriching time for me.

Thanksgiving for a wonderful time of fellowship and sharing.

I had a great time getting to know other spouses better, and delving into a deeper experience with God.

The Group Discussion