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Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation Policy

  • If someone has never been confirmed by the laying on of hands of a bishop in communion with the Episcopal Church, then Confirmation is the route to enter into our fellowship.
  • If someone has already been confirmed by a bishop in communion with our church, they should not be presented again for Confirmation as they are already a part of our fellowship. They may, however want to Reaffirm their vows via Reaffimation. 
  • If someone has been confirmed by a bishop in apostolic succession within a tradition that is not in Communion with the Episcopal Church, he/she should be presented for Reception into our fellowship.
  • If a person older than 12 years, is baptized and sealed with chrism by the Bishop, they are not subsequently presented for Confirmation. If someone other than a bishop seals the person with Chrism, they can be presented for confirmation in the same service.

The bishop does not have a minimum age requirement for a confirmation candidate. The Bishop’s policy is that she trusts those preparing someone for confirmation to know whether or not the person is ready, regardless of their age. 

Please also note that an individual’s mental or physical challenges do not preclude them from confirmation, reception or reaffirmation.

This policy was issued by the Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce, Bishop Provisional of West Missouri on May 16, 2023. This policy replaces the former policy dated September 14, 2016.