Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the Episcopal Communicator’s Conference in Portland, Maine. During my time there, I got to meet other communicators and leaders from across the country and learn about new approaches and strategies for effective communication. The workshops I joined in covered a range of topics, including ‘Content Management,’ ‘Video Storytelling,’ and ‘Next Level Diocesan Communications.’ I found these worshops to be extremely helpful! It gave me some insight on different approaches and ideas that I think will help communications across the diocese.
When I wasn’t in a workshop, I got to bond with other communicators and hear their stories and learn from their experience (and try out all the amazing food down in Portland at the same time.)
Aside from the workshops and fellowship, the conference also held a “Polly Bond” Awards banquet on Thursday to recognize excellence in various aspects of communications. I submitted our new website for the “Best Website” award, and I am overjoyed to announce that we won!
I’m so excited to see what the rest of this year will hold, and I look forward to learning and adapting as we move forward as a diocese. Thank you!

Zachary Phillips is the Communications Director for The Diocese of West Missouri.