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Safe Church, Safe Communities Training Certification and Screening Expectations

To be certified in “Safe Church, Safe Communities” a variety of online mini courses are required depending on the person’s role in the organization. Each person may print their certification from the Praesidium site and submit it to their organization for documentation.

If they previously signed up for Safeguarding courses, they should sign in to the Praesidium Academy site using their existing email address and password.

If you require an account for a new user, email the Human Resources and Finance Assistant the person’s name, organization, role, and email address. We will enroll the user and an invitation email will be sent from Praesidium. If you have any questions, you can reach out at (816) 648-0734.


(Includes Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Retired Clergy, Postulants, Seminarians)

  1. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Introduction and Theological Background
  2. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Organizational Rules & Policies
  3. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Healthy Boundaries
  4. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Inclusion
  5. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Pastoral Relationships
  6. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Abuse & Neglect
  7. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Power & Relationships
  8. Duty to Report: Mandated Reporter
  9. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Bullying
  10. Safeguarding God’s People: Preventing Sexual Harassment for Managers & Supervisors

Screening Expectations:

  1. An Oxford Document 10-year background and a First Advantage criminal background is typically done by the diocesan office when a new clergy candidate is hired or preparing for ordination. An updated criminal background check should be done every 5 years.

Children’s Ministry Workers or Volunteers

(Includes children’s ministers, children’s choir directors, Sunday School teachers, nursery workers/volunteers, parent helpers, youth volunteers, day camp staff/leaders/volunteers, VBS leaders/volunteers)

  1. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Introduction and Theological Background
  2. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Organizational Rules & Policies
  3. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Healthy Boundaries
  4. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Inclusion
  5. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Abuse & Neglect
  6. Duty to Report: Mandated Reporter
  7. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Bullying
  8. If you do overnights with children: Keeping Your Overnight Camp Safe
  9. If you are a paid employee of the organization: Safeguarding God’s People: Preventing Sexual Harassment for Workers

Screening Expectations:

  1. Background check every 5 years to include criminal records check and sexual offender registry check (if person is 18 or older)
  2. Known to congregation for at least 6 months OR 3 reference checks
  3. Approved Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) before transporting children/youth

Youth Ministry Worker or Volunteer

(Includes youth ministers, youth choir directors, youth Sunday School teachers, acolyte trainer/leader, camp counselors, small group leaders, counselor-in-training, youth group volunteers, confirmation leaders/teachers/mentors)

  1. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Introduction and Theological Background
  2. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Organizational Rules & Policies
  3. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Healthy Boundaries
  4. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Power & Relationships
  5. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Abuse & Neglect
  6. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Inclusion
  7. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Pastoral Relationships
  8. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Bullying
  9. Duty to Report: Mandated Reporter
  10. If you do overnights with youth: Keeping Your Overnight Camp Safe
  11. If you are a paid employee of the organization: Safeguarding God’s People: Preventing Sexual Harassment for Workers

Screening Expectations:

  1. Background checks every 5 years to include criminal records check and sexual offender registry check (if person is 18 or older)
  2. Known to congregation for at least 6 months OR 3 reference checks
  3. Approved Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) before transporting children/youth

Appointed or Elected leadership positions

(Includes vestry, bishop’s committee, treasurer, wardens, convention delegates, convention deputies, Diocesan Council, Disciplinary Board, Commission on Ministry members)

  1. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Introduction and Theological Background
  2. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Organizational Rules & Policies
  3. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Healthy Boundaries
  4. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Power & Relationships
  5. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Inclusion
  6. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Pastoral Relationships
  7. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Bullying

Screening Expectations:

  1. Background checks every 5 years to include criminal records check and sexual offender registry check (if person is 18 or older)
  2. Credit check recommended for check-signers

Key Holders

(includes altar guild, building hosts, renters, anyone with a key or code to be able to get into your church building)

  1. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Introduction and Theological Background
  2. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Organizational Rules & Policies
  3. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Healthy Boundaries

Screening Expectations:

  1. Background checks every 5 years to include criminal records check and sexual offender registry check (if person is 18 or older)
  2. Known to congregation for at least 6 months OR 3 reference checks

Lay Ministry Leaders

(Includes Eucharistic Visitors, Stephen ministers, small group leaders, Eucharistic Ministers, unpaid church staff):

  1. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Introduction and Theological Background
  2. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Organizational Rules & Policies
  3. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Healthy Boundaries
  4. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Power & Relationships
  5. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Inclusion
  6. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Pastoral Relationships
  7. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Bullying
  8. If you do home or hospital visits: Safe Church, Safe Communities: Abuse & Neglect

Screening Expectations:

  1. Background checks every 5 years to include criminal records check and sexual offender registry check (if person is 18 or older)
  2. Known to congregation for at least 6 months OR 3 reference checks

Other paid staff

(Includes Vergers, Sextons, Church Administrators, Administrative Assistants, Adult Music/Choir Directors, etc.)

  1. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Introduction and Theological Background
  2. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Organizational Rules & Policies
  3. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Healthy Boundaries
  4. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Inclusion
  5. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Bullying
  6. Safeguarding God’s People: Preventing Sexual Harassment for Workers

Screening Expectations:

  1. Background checks every 5 years to include criminal records check and sexual offender registry check (if person is 18 or older)
  2. Credit check recommended for check-signers

School Staff

(Includes: administration and staff, teachers, classroom aides, library staff, chaplains, athletic staff, support staff; employees and volunteers, before and after school care/program staff, parent volunteers, board of directors)

  1. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Introduction and Theological Background
  2. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Organizational Rules & Policies
  3. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Healthy Boundaries
  4. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Power & Relationships
  5. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Abuse & Neglect
  6. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Inclusion
  7. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Pastoral Relationships
  8. Safe Church, Safe Communities: Bullying

Screening Expectations:

  1. Background checks every 5 years to include criminal records check and sexual offender registry check (if person is 18 or older)
  2. Known to congregation for at least 6 months OR 3 reference checks

Universal Training Courses

Safe Church, Safe Communities: Introduction and Theological Background

Safe Church, Safe Communities: Organizational Rules & Policies

Safe Church, Safe Communities: Healthy Boundaries

Safe Church, Safe Communities: Inclusion

Duty to Report: Mandated Reporter (verify by State requirements)