"*" indicates required fields Visitation InformationIn preparation for the bishop's visit, please answer all questions as completely as possible so she can review it prior to your visitation.Date of Visitation* MM slash DD slash YYYY Church Name and City*e.g. St. Smith's, AnytownChurch LeadershipName(s) and title(s) of clergy assigned to your churchPlease do not include retired or supply clergyName(s) and title(s) of lay leadership*e.g. warden(s), treasurer, etc.Events and TimesAny Saturday events to attend? List event name, arrival/start timee.g. Saturday Evening Service - arrive 5pm for 5:30pm service or Dinner with Vestry at 6pmHow many Sunday services will be celebrated? List arrival/start time(s)*e.g. 2 services - arrive 7:30am for 8am service, stay for 10am service. For arrival time - remember to take into consideration rehearsal for confirmations, etc.Number of baptisms?*Number of confirmations?*Number of receptions?*Number of reaffirmations?*The person serving as the bishop's chaplain will be...if none, type n/aWhich readings have you selected for the service(s)?*Which vestment color will be used?*Will the loose offering be designated to the Bishop's Discretionary Fund?* Yes No Will there be a reception following the service?* Yes No Will there be a lunch following the service?* Yes No Formation InformationWould you like the bishop to participate in any formation activities?*Adult Formation, Youth Formation, group Q&A, etc. Yes No If yes, provide a narrative description of any formation opportunities in which you would like the bishop to participate including the timeInclude name of class/group, topic, target age, allotted time, etc.: Christian Formation - Prayer - Adults - 9-9:45am; Q&A with all members following 10am serviceAdditional InformationWill there be a time for the bishop to meet with your vestry or bishop's committee?* Yes No Please include any additional information for the bishop...Name of person submitting form*Email of person submitting form CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.