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Sunday Visitation Planning Form

"*" indicates required fields

Visitation Information

In preparation for the bishop's visit, please answer all questions as completely as possible so she can review it prior to your visitation.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
e.g. St. Smith's, Anytown

Church Leadership

Please do not include retired or supply clergy
e.g. warden(s), treasurer, etc.

Events and Times

e.g. Saturday Evening Service - arrive 5pm for 5:30pm service or Dinner with Vestry at 6pm
e.g. 2 services - arrive 7:30am for 8am service, stay for 10am service. For arrival time - remember to take into consideration rehearsal for confirmations, etc.
if none, type n/a
Will the loose offering be designated to the Bishop's Discretionary Fund?*
Will there be a reception following the service?*
Will there be a lunch following the service?*

Formation Information

Would you like the bishop to participate in any formation activities?*
Adult Formation, Youth Formation, group Q&A, etc.
Include name of class/group, topic, target age, allotted time, etc.: Christian Formation - Prayer - Adults - 9-9:45am; Q&A with all members following 10am service

Additional Information

Will there be a time for the bishop to meet with your vestry or bishop's committee?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.