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Convention Committees Explained

Traditionally, delegates from across the diocese are invited to serve on Committees of Convention via email during the month of July or August. Those invited are divided between Clergy and Lay and from various deaneries and congregation sizes. If you would like to volunteer for one of these roles, please contact the Bishop’s Assistant. A final listing is prepared so that when the committees meet on Friday afternoon someone of the staff may be able to locate any missing members.

Constitution and Canons

The Chancellor traditionally chairs this committee to review resolutions specifically pertaining to the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese. This committee is responsible for presenting any amendments or restatements to the Convention on Saturday and should have these available for projection or for handout to the Convention.

Convention Offering

Traditionally this committee meets after the Convention Eucharist to count the offering and secure it for deposit after the convention. The bishop and the Executive Committee of Diocesan Council will determine the recipient of the offering and this committee will announce it and the amount received to the Convention.

Courtesy Resolutions

The Bishop’s Staff will provide boilerplate of the customary resolutions. The committee will write resolutions specific to the convention and present for a vote.


Those congregations that have not brought current their assessments are given the opportunity to discuss their situation with the Credentials Committee to determine if their delegation will be seated and have voice at the Convention. This committee traditionally meets on Friday morning before the Gathering begins with Morning Prayer.

Dispatch of Business

This committee decides the priority and order that business will be received and acted upon in the business session.


The Chair of this committee will need to have a working knowledge of the rules of voting and how the scanning equipment works. Traditionally, anyone recently ordained to the Transitional or Vocational Diaconate will be asked to serve on this committee and lay members who have worked on the committee previously are asked to return.


This committee will meet approximately 6 weeks prior to convention to review the nominations received for (General Convention Deputy/Alternate every 3 years), Diocesan Council and Standing Committee. If there are not enough nominations received, this committee will work to recruit nominations. This information is to be available at least 4 weeks prior to convention for the review of delegations. The Chair introduces the nominees to Convention.


This committee will meet before the annual convention business day. The Chair of this committee is responsible for presenting any amendments or restatements to the annual convention during the business session and should have these available for projection or for handout to the Convention. Resolutions received by the Diocese before the deadline will be translated into Spanish and made available available online.