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The Diocese of West Missouri is thrilled to announce that the Church of the Redeemer in Kansas City has called the Rev. Miranda Cully to be their next Rector. The Rev. Miranda will be joining Church of the Redeemer beginning September 3rd, 2024.

The Rev. Miranda recently served as Head Chaplain at St. Mary’s Episcopal School in Memphis, Tennessee. She also served on the lay staff at St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral and as Associate Rector at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Memphis.

“During the search and discernment process, our Search Committee and Rev. Cully found that she and Redeemer share a common set of ministry goals,” writes Jen Snider, Senior Warden at Redeemer, “including what she described as goals of “deepening Redeemer’s involvement with the world around us, nurturing our members, and inspiring new members to discover our parish.”

Congratulations to Church of the Redeemer on their new ministry! We’re excited to see your continued growth during this new chapter.

Miranda Cully

Everliving God, strengthen and sustain Miranda Cully that with patience and understanding she may love and care for your people; and grant that together they may follow Jesus Christ, offering to you their gifts and talents; through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for every and ever. Amen.

Article was produced by Jen Snider, Senior Warden at Church of the Redeemer in Kansas City.