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Centralized Grants Committee

Allocating funds to projects in the diocese tied to our four pillars of mission


The Centralized Grant Committee was established to manage and allocate funds tied to the diocese’s four pillars of mission:

  • Proclaiming the Good News
  • Forming Disciples
  • Serving Others
  • Striving for Justice

This committee will review grant applications, assess project proposals, and distribute funds according to established criteria and priorities set by the diocese.

Grant Request Form

If your parish is need of a Centralized Grant, please head to the grants form page by clicking the button below. Please be sure to read the details about the Centralized Grant application carefully before filling it out.

Grant Form


Ordinations to the Diaconate. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Kan

The Rev. Vicky Anderson



  • Elizabeth Barns
  • The Rev. Alisa Carmichael
  • The Rev. Canon Robin James
  • Tom Kokjer
  • Jim Newman
  • The Rev. Susan Roberts
  • Mindy Swayne
  • Ron Weil
  • The Rev. Ryan Williams