Getting From Here to There: Congregational Development for Congregational Vitality
As we continue our work with Congregational Vitality in the diocese, we are pleased to welcome Bishop Melissa Skelton for a one-day workshop for clergy and lay leaders of our churches on February 22 at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
In this workshop, we’ll learn how we can develop our congregrations to “get from here to there” to be more faithful, healthy, and fruitful local manifestations of the Body of Christ.
This free workshop will offer exposure to some of the frameworks and tools for congregational development that have been used by the College of Congregational Development, founded by Bishop Skelton, and hosted now by twelve Episcopal Dioceses and one Canadian province in The Anglican Church of Canada.
Registration is free. All clergy and lay leaders are encouraged to attend.