Encourage a meaningful Lenten experience within the home and congregation by using highly recommended and easy to use resources that stir our souls to –
- Celebrate Shrove Tuesday
- Embracing Ash Wednesday
- Get and give support.
- Establishing simple patterns.
- Be in Service to Others
- Giving Alms.
- Bringing symbols into the home that encourage practices to shape the way Lent unfolds.
- Engage in regular Prayer and Study.
This season, open the door that much more, let go of more stuff, listen better. Do with greater passion those things we know help nurture God’s kingdom. Imagine God transforming your life, giving you a greater sense of freedom and joy, a lighter spirit, and filling you with a deeper desire for love and service.
Most resources stand alone or at a minimum provide an adaptable foundation. Reach out to Kim for support in exploring how they can be used in a variety of ways for households of all shapes and sizes.
Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.