You don’t have to enroll in a degree program to enrich your faith.
Bexley-Seabury offers all baptized an opportunity to engage in life-long, life-wide & life-deep learning as part of their “seminary-beyond-walls” philosophy. Pathways for Baptismal Living educates, forms, and catalyzes the Body of Christ to blaze new pathways for prophetic and pastoral service in response to God’s call.
Courses, workshops, events, and activities are designed so you can choose the combination and order that best suit your interests and needs. Explore options for –
- Personal Enrichment. Sometimes you long for deeper instruction than your adult formation classes can provide. But a full seminary program isn’t right for you. Pathways makes seminary-created education and spiritual formation accessible to anyone with a desire to go deeper in their knowledge and faith.
- Licensure and Church-Wide Imperatives. Courses are designed to meet General Convention directives as well as licensure requirements defined by the Canons of the Episcopal Church. Those seeing licensure need to gain approval from their Bishop to ensure that licensure will be conferred.
- Communities of Practice. Designed to support leaders in particular ministry roles, these host-facilitated Zoom-based gatherings enable guest to interact with guest presenters and engage in sustained, critical conversation about faith, leadership, and issues relevant to their roles.
Never stop learning … because life never stops teaching!
Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.