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As Intake Officer for the Diocese, The Rev. Barbara J Wegener receives information from individuals regarding possible misconduct of a member of clergy. This information may be provided in any format by anyone with knowledge of the alleged misconduct. The key goal of the Intake Officer is to decide whether or not the facts presented, if true, would constitute an “Offense” under the Canons as set forth by The Church.  For additional information regarding this process, please click here.

Deacon Barbara was born at Patrick Air Force Base (AFB) in Cocoa Beach, Florida, moving with her family to Anchorage, Alaska and upstate New York before settling in the Kansas City area after her father retired from the Air Force. Barbara was confirmed at the then St. Peter’s Episcopal Church while living at Richards-Gebauer AFB. She graduated from Raytown High School and attended St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church until her Ordination as Deacon. At St. Matthew’s Barbara served in all aspects of church life including as chair of the Worship Commission for many years.

After a career with the federal government, retiring as an Human Resources Director, Barbara attended Bishop Kemper School for Ministry and was Ordained in 2022. Barbara serves as Deacon at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral in downtown Kansas City.

Barbara enjoys all things historical and loves working out a puzzle, whether it’s a British mystery or a solution to a problem. Barbara has three sons and six grandchildren for which she is eternally grateful.

The following poster should be displayed in all places of worship throughout the diocese: