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The kingdom of heaven will be like this. Ten bridesmaids took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. When the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them; but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. Matthew 25:1-4.

Instruction to prepare or keep watch appear over and over in the Bible, often as instruction to prepare ourselves spiritually for all that God has called us to be about. Perhaps it is best to resist the temptation to suggest that those verses are calling us to keep the spare tire aired up or make a building evacuation plan. Even so, taking steps to become more prepared at home and in our congregations is simply good stewardship.

Experts in the study of preparedness know that a prepared community is a more resilient community, and that each step taken toward preparedness in our homes, workplaces, and other organizations, like our houses of worship, makes a difference during safe times and dangerous times alike. Each household and organization that has planned for the unexpected is safer, decreases the strain on resources, and makes life better for everyone. So, how do we prepare?

September is National Preparedness Month, and The Diocese of West Missouri is in the process of renewing plans for preparedness. This work has already begun in many congregations. Safety plans and security details help protect people and property. This is good stewardship! Personal and household preparedness are also important. A quick visit to a couple of different websites will guide individuals and organizations to information, including easy steps to take for better preparedness. Both and have a wealth of information designed to simplify this work.

Some low-hanging fruit in emergency planning includes posting evacuation maps, holding fire drills, and identifying safe places to take shelter in case of a tornado warning. Encouraging members to become trained in CPR and purchasing a defibrillator (AED) further improves congregational preparedness.

The diocese is working on emergency communication plans to help get the word out when a congregation or community is in danger or in need of assistance. The Diocese of West Missouri Emergency Planning Committee includes Zach Phillips, convener, Dcn. Adam James, Edith Van Hoesen, Dcn. Barbara Wegener, and Mtr. Anne Kyle. The committee is looking at model plans for congregational preparedness and continuity of operations planning (COOP). If you have any examples of plans that currently exist in your congregation, please send them to Zach Phillips, Communications Director.

Article submitted by the Rev. Anne Kyle, Vocations Missioner for The Diocese of West Missouri.