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Clergy of the Convention

The Diocese of West Missouri held its 134th Annual Convention on November 10 and 11, 2023 at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral. Delegates across the diocese got to gather to elect and vote on positions and different resolutions.

Mark Galus at podium


Elected and appointed officers from this year’s Convention.

Parliamentarian of the Convention

  • Mr. Mark Galus


  • The Rev. Donna Stanford

Assistant Secretary

  • Mr. Spencer Orr
  • Ms. Elisa White


  • Tom Kokjer
Robin James at Podium


Elections for Standing Committee and Diocesan Council took place through electronic vote at this year’s Convention. Here’s a rundown of the elected members for each order.

Standing Committee – Clergy Order

  • The Rev. Robin James
  • The Rev. Ron Verhaeghe

Standing Committee – Lay Order

  • Mr. Eric Rhodes
  • Ms. Alexandra Connors

Diocesan Council – Clergy Order

  • The Rev. Susan Roberts
  • The Rev. Joe Pierjok

Diocesan Council – Lay Order

  • Ms. Regina Berens
  • Mr. Chris Morrison
  • Ms. Hayley Cobb
  • Ms. Anne Breid
Convention Tom Kokjer

2024 Plan for Ministry

The adopted plan for ministry can be found here.

Adopted Resolutions

Resolution 2022 #2 – Chancellor
2022 Resolution #2 - Chancellor
Resolution 2023 #1 – Paris Groves
2022 Resolution #1 - Paris Groves
Resolution 2023 #2 – Bishop Election
2022 Resolution #2 - Bishop Election
Resolution 2023 #3 – BKSM
2022 Resolution #3 - BKSM
Resolution 2023 #4 – University of the South
2022 Resolution #4 - University of the South
Resolution 2023 #6 – Diocesan Assessments
2022 Resolution #6 - Diocesan Assessments
Convention Fr Sean Kim

Board of Examining Chaplains

Three-year terms

  • The Very Rev. Peter DeVeau (Non-Parochial)
  • The Rev. Sean Kim (St. Mary’s, Kansas City)
  • Dr. William Stancil (Redeemer, Kansas City)
Delegates at Convention

Disciplinary Board

Three-year terms

  • The Rev. Ken Chumbley (Non-Parochial)
  • Mrs. Evelyn Mangan (Christ, Springfield)
Convention Anne and Emily

Bishop Kemper School for Ministry Board

  • The Rev. Anne Meredith Kyle (Calvary, Sedalia) – 1-year term
  • Mrs. Carmen Kynard-Krasick (St. Augustine’s, Kansas City) – 2-year term
  • The Rev. Donna Stanford (St. Peter and All Saints, Kansas City) – 3-year term
Mother Rita and Ann Rainey

Commission on Ministry

Two-year terms


  • The Rev. John Coil (Non-Parochial) – Elected
  • The Rev. Galen Snodgrass (Good Shepherd, Kansas City) – Appointed
  • The Rev. Adam James (St. Andrew’s, Kansas City) – Elected


  • Mrs. Ann Rainey (St. Andrew’s, Kansas City) – Elected
  • Ms. Kathy Alexander (Christ, Springfield) – Elected
  • Dr. Vincent Clark (St. Andrew’s, Kansas City) – Elected
Donna Stanford at podium

Committee on the Minutes

  • The Rev. Donna Stanford (Diocesan Secretary as Chair)
  • The Rev. Ted Estes (St. Philip’s, Joplin)
  • Mr. Spencer Orr (Grace Church, Carthage)
  • Mrs. Marsha Patterson (Christ Church, Springfield)
  • Ms. Elisa White (Grace Church, Carthage)
  • Mrs. Emily Davenport (Diocesan Staff)
Convention Shield Recipients

Bishop’s Shield Recipients

  • The Rev. Isaac Petty
  • Mr. Eric Rhodes
  • The Rev. Meg Rhodes
  • The Rev. Cathy Cox
Convention Honorary Canons

Honorary Canons

  • The Rev. Carol Sanford
  • The Very Rev. Peter DeVeau
  • The Rev. John Spicer
  • The Rev. John McCann
  • Mr. Mark Galus

Thank you to the diocesan staff, volunteers, and other support that helped make this year’s Convention run as smoothly as possible. Your continued assistance is greatly appreciated and we look forward to working with you all again next year.

Registration and Reception


Business Session