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Guidelines and Requirements for the Eucharistic Minister Lay License

2023 Diocesan guidelines and Requirements for Eucharistic Minister applicants (Canon 4.6)

A Eucharistic Minister is a lay person authorized to administer the Consecrated Elements at the Celebration of Holy Eucharist. A Eucharistic Minister should normally act under the direction of a Deacon, if any, or otherwise, the Member of the Clergy or other leader exercising oversight of the congregation or other community of faith.


  • Physical ability to handle the Eucharistic elements.


  • Ability to administer the bread of the Eucharist in the various ways practiced in the Episcopal Church (in the hand, in the mouth, intinction).
  • Ability to administer the wine of the Eucharist in the various ways practiced in the Episcopal Church (from the common cup, intinction from the common cup, use of an intinction cup).
  • Knowledge of the words of administration for both Rite I and Rite II.
  • Ability to assist the deacon or priest in the preparation of the altar for ablutions.
  • Awareness and sensitivity to people with special needs, such as the elderly, those with disabilities, and children.
  • Ability to deal with unexpected occurrences related to administering the sacraments.

Background Knowledge

  • A basic knowledge of the Book of Common Prayer and detailed knowledge of the rubrics therein concerning the administration of the Holy Eucharist.
  • Names of the Eucharistic vessels and linens.
  • A basic understanding of sacramental theology from the Catechism.
  • Be familiar with the functions of acolytes, lectors and altar guild (sacristans).

Education and Training Possibilities

  • Training and mentoring by deacon, priest and other Eucharistic Ministers.

To be licensed

  • Recommendation of the Clergy or Warden in Charge and Vestry/Bishop’s Committee.
  • Contact Canon Shirley Bolden to sign up for Diversity & Reconciliation Training.
  • Contact the diocesan Human Resource Administrator and Finance Assistant to be set up for Safe Church, Safe Community online coursework.

To renew your license

  • Obtain recommendation of the Clergy or Warden in Charge and Vestry/Bishop’s Committee.
  • Provide the date of your last Diversity & Reconciliation Training course.
  • Provide the date you completed the Safe Church, Safe Community training course.


  • The Cup of Salvation, A Manual for Lay Eucharistic Ministers. Beth Wickenberg Ely, Morehouse Publishing, 2012
  • Meditations for Eucharist Ministers, Faithful Servant Series. Beth Maynard. Morehouse Publishing, 1999
  • Liturgy for Living. Charles F. Price and Louis Weil, Harper and Row, 1979
  • Prayer Book Rubrics Expanded. Byron D. Stuhlman, Church Hymnal Corp., 1987
  • The Meaning of Ritual. Leonel Mitchell, Paulist Press, 1977
  • “Eucharistic Visitor, Your Ministry”


  • 04-13-2023. New text for 2023 replaces the previous PDF document.