“I really am not retiring from ministry – I am simply rewiring myself for ministry at this stage of life”, so says Kim Snodgrass who is formally retiring from being on the Diocesan staff for eighteen years. During that time, she has served in several roles – but always was focused on faith formation.
A lifelong Episcopalian, Kim became involved in faith formation while she and her husband, Galen, were members of St. Paul’s in Lee’s Summit during the 1980’s. That involvement eventually led to Bishop Howe inviting her to be a full time Diocesan leader in Youth Ministry in 2005. In addition to the expected activities that are part of serving as a resource in Youth Ministry, she initiated ‘Youth Ministry Internships’. Many of those interns have continued to serve in a variety of ministries to this day.
In 2005, Bishop Field invited her to serve as the leader for Christian Spiritual Formation for our Diocese. This ministry entails providing faith formation resources for all ages of life. Three accomplishments stand out from this period of her service. “Everything Holy” was developed during the pandemic as a resource for spiritual formation at home. It received national attention concerning its creative approach. “Resources for Faith Formation” was developed for the Diocesan web site as an easy, available resource for faith formation materials at the congregational level. Finally, she advocated for involvement in “Forma” – the Episcopal Network for Faith Formation – by sponsoring people from our Diocese to attend their annual conference held in January each year.
“Everything thing in life has a spiritual component and aspect” Kim has said many times as she lived that out in her ministry. May she experience that reality in this new phase of her life’s journey.
– The Rev. Larry Ehren

The Rev. Larry Ehren is Priest in Charge at St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church, Belton, Missouri, and serves on the Spiritual Formation Commission.