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The 25 members of the Diocesan Council are charged with conducting the work of the diocesan Annual Convention throughout the year. The convention meets annually. Council undertakes the business of the diocese. Members of the Council include members of the clergy and laypersons elected by the Annual Convention along with additional members appointed by the bishop, the Deans, and the Presidents of the Standing Committee and Episcopal Church Women. Diocesan Council meets monthly at various churches throughout West Missouri.

President of the Standing Committee

Mr. Eric Rhodes
Eric Rhodes
Mr. Eric Rhodes

Mr. Eric Rhodes

President of the Standing Committee

Episcopal Church Women

Judith Turner
Judith Turner Cropped
Judith Turner

Judith Turner

President, Episcopal Church Women

Council Members

Regina Berens

Ms. Regina Berens

Council Member

St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church, Belton (Central Deanery)

Elected to Diocesan Council in 2023. 3rd two-year term.

Involvement on a Church Level:

  • Vestry Warden (Present)
  • Licensed Lay Preacher (Present)
  • In charge of maintaining church web site and monthly newsletter, (Present)
  • Previously Convention Delegate

Involvement on a Deanery Council/Diocesan Level:

  • Diocesan Council Member (Present)

Involvement on a Provincial/General Church Level:

  • None

Additional Comments

“I was received into the Episcopal church 30 years ago and have been almost constantly involved at the church and diocesan levels since then. In addition to being a Licensed Lay Preacher I have also completed EFM (Education for Ministry). I’m a retired property-casualty actuary so I bring quantitative as well as spiritual thinking to the table. The previous 2+ years I’ve served on Diocesan Council have been interesting and fulfilling and I hope to serve again during this time of transition to a new Bishop.”

Diocese of West Missouri, Shirley Bolden

Canon Shirley Bolden

Council Member

St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City (Northwest-Metro Deanery)

Elected to Diocesan Council in 2022. 1st two-year term.

Involvement at a Church Level

  • Currently Senior Warden.
  • Treasurer from 1990 until 2007.
  • Vestry member 1998-2003.
  • Past President of St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church Women.
  • Chair of the Deacon Williams’ Food Pantry.
  • Altar Guild and Choir Member (currently).
  • Eucharistic Minister and Visitor.
  • Lay Chaplain- through the Community of Hope.
  • Treasurer 1990 to 2007.
  • Coffee Hour Committee.

 Involvement at a Deanery Council/Diocesan Level:

  • Currently-President of Standing Committee (2020-2022).
  • Member of the Standing Committee and Vice-Chair (2016-2020).
  • Currently Chair of the Diversity and Reconciliation Commission.
  • Member of the re-established Peace and Justice Commission.
  • Work with the Necessities Project.

Involvement at a Provincial/General Church Level:

  • Past President of the Province VII Episcopal Church Women 2005-2008.
  • Alternate Deputy to General Convention-Minneapolis, Minesota.
  • Triennial delegate 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018.
  • Chosen as Women of The Year at the 2012. Triennial.

Additional Comments

I feel that Racial and Cultural Differences are seen as Assets. A level of welcoming and acceptance is what we should be aiming for in all of our parishes. This means a concerted effort at eradicating the social sin of any racial bias and truly accepting diverse peoples in our congregations.

Anne Breid

Ms. Anne Breid

Council Member

Elected to Diocesan Council in 2023. 1st two-year term.

Involvement at a Church Level:

  • Vestry Member (2014 – 2018)
  • Lay Reader (2018 – Present)
  • Choir (Present)

 Involvement at a Deanery Council/Diocesan Level:

  • Diocesan Youth Council (Late 80’s – Early 90’s)

 Involvement at a Provincial/General Church Level:

  • None

Additional Comments:

“I have lived in this diocese since 1978. I went through the first Happening in the diocese. I attended Cliff Springs as a camper in high school. In the lat 80’s I was a camp counselor and a camp director. I have not been active on a diocesan level since. I look forward to getting to know people around the diocese again.”

Hayley Cobb

Ms. Hayley Cobb

Council Member

Elected to Diocesan Council in 2023. 1st two-year term.

Involvement at a Church Level:

  • Youth Leadership Team Volunteer (Aug. 2022 – Present)
  • Youth Sunday School Teacher (Jan. 2023 – Present)
  • Episcopal Campus Ministry (Sept. 2017 – Apr. 2021)

 Involvement at a Deanery Council/Diocesan Level:

  • Southern Deanery Youth Delegate (2016)
  • Youth Ministry Commission (2015 – 2017)
  • Diocesan Youth Program Intern (Summer of 2018)

 Involvement at a Provincial/General Church Level:

  • None

Additional Comments:

“The Diocese of West Missouri continues to do important work to share God‘s love and cultivate rich fellowship with our neighbors. I’ve admired the communities, ministries, and people involved in this impactful work since growing up in the diocesan youth program. I would like to add my voice and be a part of the Diocesan Council for the future of our church.”

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Ms. Zella Forsythe

Council Member

Re-appointed to Diocesan Council in 2023.

Kate French Headshot

Ms. Kate French

Council Member

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Mr. Phil Metz

Council Member

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The Rev. Steven King

Council Member

Rector, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City (Northwest-Metro Deanery).

Elected to Diocesan Council in 2022, 1st two-year term. General Convention Deputy to GC81. Elected in 2022.

Involvement at a Church Level:

  • Vestry Member, January 2021-Present.
  • Senior Warden, January, 2022 – Present.

Involvement at a Deanery Council/Diocesan Level:

  • Delegate to Central Deanery and Diocesan Convention, January, 2021 – Present.
  • Diocesan Council, Bishop’s Appointment, 2020.
  • Elected to Diocesan Council in 2021.

Involvement at a Provincial/General Church Level:

  • None at present.

Any additional Comments:

  • I have also served on the Vestries of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Churches, Diocese of Kansas.
  • I was the Lay Co-Chair of the Bishop’s Transition Committee, 2017-2019, Diocese of Kansas.
nominee Chris Morrison x

Mr. Chris Morrison

Council Member

Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City (Northwest-Metro Deanery)

Elected to Diocesan Council in 2023. 3rd two-year term.

Involvement on a Church Level:

  • Dean Search Committee (2018 – 2019)
  • Live Streaming Designer and Runner (2020 – Present)
  • Youth Formation Teacher (Present)
  • Website Manager (Present)

Involvement on a Deanery Council/Diocesan Level:

  • Diocesan Council (2019 – Present)
  • Northwest-Metro Deanery, Vice-Chair
  • Diocesan Convention Delegate (2016 – Present)

Involvement on a Provincial/General Church Level:

  • None

Additional Comments:

“It has been a privilege to serve on our Diocesan Council and it would be an honor to be allowed to serve an additional term.”

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Mr. Spencer J. T. Orr

Council Member

Grace Episcopal Church, Carthage (Southern Deanery)

Elected to Diocesan Council in 2022. 2nd two-year term. General Convention Deputy to GC81. Elected in 2022.

Involvement at a Church Level:

  • Member of the Organ Committee.
  • Saint Gregory Choir Member Emeritus.
  • Occasional Flute Player at various services throughout the year, when asked.
  • Youth Ministry Commission – As a youth, since 2005. As an Adult Volunteer ~2013-2020

 Involvement at a Deanery Council/Diocesan Level:

  • Southern Deanery Grace Church Delegate to Diocesan Conventions 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022.
  • First Term Elected Member of Diocesan Council 2020-2022.
  • Bishop’s Appointee to Diocesan Council 2018-2020.

Involvement at a Provincial/General Church Level:

  • General Convention Deputy to the 80th General Convention in 2021

Additional Comments

A lifelong member of Grace Episcopal Church in Beautiful, Charming, and Historic Carthage, Missouri; Spencer seeks election to Diocesan Council for a second elected term (2022-2024) to continue the work of serving and supporting our shared ministry together as the Episcopal Church in West Missouri, noting and representing the respective needs of our congregations (urban and rural) of our Diocese.

General Convention Deputy

Spencer seeks election to represent our Diocese as a Lay member of our West Missouri Deputation for a second time to the 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky in 2024.

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Ms. Amanda Perschall

Council Member

Trinity Episcopal Church, Lebanon (Southern Deanery).

Elected to Diocesan Council in 2022. 2nd two-year term. General Convention Deputy to GC81. Elected in 2022.

Involvement at a Church Level:

As a clergy daughter, Amanda grew up being steeped in Anglican tradition, worship, and ministry; being in church are some of her earliest and fondest memories.

At Trinity, Lebanon:

  • Bishop’s Warden: January 2009-January 2014.
  • Bishop’s Committee Member January 2007-January 2009, January 2022-present.
  • Altar Guild August 2006-present.
  • Eucharistic Minister January 2013 – present.
  • Lector August 2006 – present.

At Trinity, Kirksville:

  • Peer Minister for Campus Ministry January 2004 – December 2005.
  • Bishop’s Committee Clerk January 2004 – December 2005.
  • Lector August 2003 – December 2005.
  • Choir Member August 2003 – December 2005.

 Involvement at a Deanery Council/Diocesan Level:

  • Convention and Deanery Delegate 2010 – present.
  • Youth Ministry Commission Member August 2011 – present.
  • Diocesan Council member 2014 – 2018, 2020-2022
  • Vice-dean of the Southern Deanery Council.

 Involvement at a Provincial/General Church Level:

  • Attended General Convention with WEMO Youth 2012 and 2015.
  • General Convention Deputy 2018 and 2022

Additional Comments

In secular life, Amanda is a high school social studies teacher. She has held numerous leadership roles at school including Professional Development Committee building chair, PLC facilitator, PBIS Committee secretary, new teacher mentor, curriculum writer, and local NEA co-president. Amanda enjoys traveling to experience and learn more from the world.

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The Rev. Joe Pierjok

Council Member

Priest-in-Charge, Grace Episcopal Church, Carthage (Southern Deanery)

Elected to Diocesan Council in 2023. 2nd two-year Term.

Involvement on a Church Level

  • Youth Pastor, Redeemer of Kansas City (2011 -2013)
  • Associate Rector, Grace Episcopal Church of Carthage (2019 – Feb. 2023)
  • Rector, Grace Episcopal Church of Carthage (Feb. 2023 – Present)

Involvement on a Deanery Council/Diocesan Level:

  • Diocesan Council Member (Nov. 2020 – Present)
  • Finance Committee (Jan. 2019 – Present)
  • Executive Committee (Dec. 2022 – Present)
  • Commission on Ministry (Jan. 2023 – Present)
  • Youth Comission Chair (Nov. 2020 – Present)
  • Courtesy Resolution Chair (Jan. 2022 – Present)
  • Maryville Committee (Nov. 2022 – Present)
  • Order of Naucratius Secretary (July 2023 – Present)

 Involvement at a Provincial/General Church Level:

  • Alternate to General Convention for 2024.

Additional Comments


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Ms. Beverly J Roggenkamp

Council Member

Christ Church, Lexington (Central Deanery)

Elected to Diocesan Council in 2022. 2nd two-year term.

Involvement at a Church Level:

Christ Church Lexington:

  • Senior Warden, 2018-2022.
  • Vestry member 2016-2017.
  • Pledge Secretary 2000-2016.

Church of the Good Shepherd, Kansas City, Missouri:

Vestry member 2012-2014.

Financial Ministry Council member 2010-2016.

 Involvement at a Deanery Council/Diocesan Level:

  • Central Deanery member 2016-2022.
  • Diocesan Council member, appointed by Bishop Martin Field, 2018-2019.
  • Diocesan Council member elected at Diocesan Convention 2020-2022.
  • NERM representative for Christ Church Lexington 2017-2022.

 Involvement at a Provincial/General Church Level:

None at present.

Additional Comments

Life-long Episcopalian; Confirmed by The Rev. John M. Allin at Trinity Episcopal Church, Yazoo City, MS 1957; he would later be elected Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church; completed Education for Ministry program 2016; became member of Daughters of the King 2016.

I have been honored to serve the past 4 years on Diocesan Council and look forward to continuing to serve the Diocese in whatever capacity I may.

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The Rev. Galen Snodgrass

Council Member

Rector at Episcopal Church of Good Shepherd, Kansas City (Northwest-Metro Deanery).

Elected to Diocesan Council in 2018. 2nd two-year term.

Involvement on a Church Level

  • Deacon, Grace Episcopal Church, Carthage, Missouri

 Involvement on a Deanery Council/Diocesan Level:

  • 1st term Diocesan Council, 2018 to 2020
  • 2nd term Diocesan Council, 2021 to 2022
  • Commission On Ministry for three terms
  • Delegate to Diocesan Convention many times as Lay and Clergy member
  • St. Luke’s Care Center Board, Carthage, 2005-2012
  • Diversity and Reconciliation Commission since 2019.

 Involvement on a Provincial/General Church Level:

  • General Convention Deputy 2012 and 2015

Additional Comments

  • Commercial Horticulturalist 1979-1999.
  • Adult Education Coordinator 1999-2007.
  • Hospital Chaplain, McCune-Brooks Hospital/Mercy Health Systems 2007-2014.
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Mr. Steven Williams

Council Member