Kim Snodgrass shares the latest Spiritual Formation Deanery Updates.
Faith formation nourishes the inner experience of spirituality for us to be “authentically Gospel-shaped people” doing God’s work in West Missouri. In doing so, we can and will become a just, peaceful, and loving community built on our shared love of God and one another; proclaiming the Good News, serving others, and promoting justice, peace, and love.
Each month, Spiritual Formation Deanery Updates list upcoming events and other information because our diocesan Spiritual Formation Commission (SFC) is here to walk with you; to help you discover the unique tools you are looking for on your journey and in your ministries. If you are interested in serving on this commission, or would like to hear more about these SFC opportunities, please contact us by phone at 816-471-6161 (ext 109) or by email: to let us know how we can help!

Kim Snodgrass is Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation.