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I write to let you know that Curtis Hamilton tendered his resignation as Secretary of Convention as of March 3, 2023. Curtis served the Diocese faithfully in the role of Secretary since April 2014. His organizational skills, knowledge of the canons and his long history of active service in the Diocese helped make him a wonderful Secretary for us. We wish Curtis well and thank him for his years of faithful service.

Replacing Curtis as Secretary of Convention (by vote of the Diocesan Council this past Saturday) is the Rev. Deacon Donna Stanford, who currently serves as Deacon at St. Peter’s and All Saints. Given that Deacon Donna has faithfully served as Intake Officer for the Diocese, she has to vacate that role in order to step into the Secretary position. Replacing Deacon Donna as Intake Officer for the Diocese is the Rev. Deacon Barbara Wegener, who currently serves as Deacon at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral.