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Peace and Justice Committee

Advocating for Safety and Security in the Diocese


The Peace and Justice Committee of The Diocese of West Missouri was created by Bishop Bruce in 2022. In the wake of mounting gun violence in our state and country, it was first charged with creating a diocesan plan and response to the gun violence epidemic. It does this through sharing the Be S.M.A.R.T. safe storage message across the diocese, and through other advocacy programs for gun safety, including observation of Wear Orange in recognition of survivors and victims of gun violence. Currently, it’s second mission is tracking the ongoing state lawsuit about separation of church and state with respect to reproductive rights, to which The Diocese of Missouri is a party.

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Be SMART: Lunch and Learn
Lunch and Learn
17 Sep
Be SMART: Lunch and Learn

Be SMART: Lunch and Learn

When: Sunday, September 17 at Noon.
Where: Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 4947 NE Chouteau Dr., Kansas City , MO 64119


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Tara Bennett Wear Orange Be SMART

Tara Bennett



  • Canon Shirley Bolden
  • The Rev. Jonathan Callison
  • Anne Egbert
  • The Rev. Adam James
  • Lenette Johnson
  • The Rev. Suzy Lynch
  • The Rev. Robin Rusconi
  • Jessica Woodruff